Lauri Randall

Thanks for stopping by!
Mindfulness practice has played a huge role in helping me do my best to live my best life and I love to share the practice with others through writing and art. I am a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher with over 14 years of practice and have loved to draw since before I could write.
My goal in writing 'Remind Me to Breathe' was to help open lines of communication about feelings between adults, adolescents, and children mindfully in a safe and fun way. Hopefully, talking within the framework of mindfulness practice offered by the poems and "conversation starters" in this book will create opportunities to explore feelings together so we can all travel a little lighter on our journey through this incredible life.
​Please enjoy following the single-line book cover illustration as it unfolds below. I created all of the drawings in Remind Me to Breathe from single lines to be used as tools for practicing mindfulness. You can trace the line illustrations with your finger or a pencil to bring yourself back into the present moment. There are also coloring and journaling pages to bring your practice to life. Fun for kids and teens too!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it!